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Übersetzungen fürs Forum v2


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So da sich doch einige für die Übersetzung gemeldet haben und das mit gleichzeitigen bearbeiten von Sprachtempletes imemr schwierig ist, werde ich die "englische Spracjstücke" hier posten, wer eine passende Übersetzung hat kann sie dann vieleicht hier posten und ich baue sie in das richtige Template ein.

Wie weit wir sind, kann man sich unter http://www.spackentreff.de anschauen. Falls jemanden da noch eine "unpassende Übersetzung" oder ein Fehler bemerkt, dies Bitte auch hier psoten.

Login geht da mit User: user und Passwort: tolkien


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So die ersten Übersetzungen sind für den Login Bereich:


$lang['logged_in']  = "You are logged in, returning you to the board index";
$lang['not_logged_in']  = "You are not logged in, taking you to the log in form";
$lang['reg_log_in']  = "You are now registered and logged in, returning you to the board index";
$lang['reg_not_log_in']  = "You are now registered, taking you to the log in form";
$lang['email_log_in']  = "Your email address change has been approved, returning you to the board index";
$lang['email_not_log_in']  = "Your email address change has been approved, taking you to the log in form";
$lang['pass_log_in']  = "Your password change has been approved, returning you to the board index";
$lang['pass_not_log_in']  = "Your password change has been approved, taking you to the log in form";
$lang['need_validation']  = "Sorry, you have not validated your account yet.<br />Please check your email for the validation information before attempting to log in.<br /><strong><a href=\'index.php?act=reg&CODE=reval\'>Resend the validation email</a></strong>";
$lang['force_login']  = "The board administrator requires that all members log in before viewing the board";
$lang['cookie_no']  = "No";
$lang['admin_force_log_in']  = "The board administrator requires all members to log in";
$lang['log_out']  = "Log Out";
$lang['privacy']  = "<b>Privacy</b>, do you want to appear on the active users list?";
$lang['cookie_yes']  = "Yes";
$lang['log_out_submit']  = "Log me out";

Wer was übersetzen will, schreibt bitte kurz die Variable mit dem neuen Text.

Beispiel: $lang['cookie_yes'] = "Ja";


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SO und hier nun noch die mit wichtigste Datei, die Fehlermeldungen:



$lang['erl_email']  = "Your email address";

$lang['reg_no_agree']  = "Du musst den Nutzungsbedingungen zustimmen, um Dich registrieren zu können. Lies den Text sorgfältig durch und setze - sofern Du einverstanden bist - das \'Häkchen\' vor die abschließende Erklärung (einfach anklicken). Solltest Du die Nutzungsbedingungen nicht akzeptieren können, kannst Du die Registrierung hier abbrechen: \'>Registrierungsvorgang abbrechen.";

$lang['no_upload_permission']  = "You do not have permission to upload files";

$lang['banned_email']  = "Sorry, you are not allowed to use that email address for your account. Please use another email address.";

$lang['subs_no_curid']  = "A current subscriptions package ID was not passed to the payment methods form, transaction failed.";

$lang['subs_no_upgrade']  = "This payment method does not support upgrades. This process cannot continue.";

$lang['subs_no_selected']  = "You did not select a subscription package. Please go back and select one before continuing.";

$lang['subs_nomethod_selected']  = "You did not select a payment method. Please go back and select one before continuing.";

$lang['subs_no_api']  = "Cannot locate the required API file, process cannot continue.";

$lang['subs_fail']  = "An unspecified failure occured. Code .";

$lang['sub_already']  = "You are already subscribed to a package that is either paid or pending. You cannot continue.";

$lang['auth_no_key_not_allow']  = "Sorry, you cannot perform this action until the board administrator has approved your account";

$lang['no_flash_av']  = "You are not permitted to use flash in your avatar, post or signature";

$lang['no_warn_max']  = "This member cannot be warned in that direction any further. They have reached their maximum or minumum level";

$lang['split_too_much']  = "You cannot select all of the posts to split, you must leave at least one post in the original topic";

$lang['ml_error']  = "This member group has chosen to not be shown on this member list.";

$lang['protected_user']  = "You cannot proceed with that action. This member is a protected member";

$lang['warned_already']  = "This member has been warned once already within the allotted time allowed";

$lang['no_mmid']  = "That is not a valid multi-moderation action for this forum";

$lang['del_post']  = "Authorization mismatch - please go back and try again. If you have been trying to access a function incorrectly, please use the proper method.";

$lang['stupid_beggar']  = "Out of all the options in all the drop down, you had to choose one with dashed lines, well done. Go back and behave yourself.";

$lang['fd_noneselected']  = "You did not select any PM folders to empty, please go back and try again";

$lang['cal_range_wrong']  = "Sorry, the event end date must be later than the start date.";

$lang['posting_off_susp']  = "Sorry, your posting rights have been temporarily suspended. The suspension is due to end on .";

$lang['account_susp']  = "Your account has been temporarily suspended. This suspension is due to end on .";

$lang['email_change_v']  = "Sorry, you are already pending validation. Please revalidate your account before attempting this.";

$lang['is_broken_link']  = "Sorry, the link that brought you to this page seems to be out of date or broken.";

$lang['pass_no_match']  = "The entered passwords did not match, please go back and try again";

$lang['av_no_gallery']  = "Sorry, the chosen avatar gallery doesn\'t exist anymore - please try again";

$lang['no_integ']  = "Sorry, this member doesn\'t have an Integrity Messenger profile at present.";

$lang['file_2_big']  = "Sorry, that file is too wide or too high - please try again after resizing the image";

$lang['no_photo_selected']  = "You must enter a URL to a photograph or choose an image to upload from your computer before continuing";

$lang['photo_invalid_ext']  = "Sorry, you are not permitted to use that image as a personal photo as the extension isn\'t on the permitted list.";

$lang['no_help_file']  = "Sorry, we could not locate that help file, please try again.";

$lang['no_member_mail']  = "Sorry, you are not permitted to send an email via this board";

$lang['no_vote']  = "You did not choose a poll choice to vote against. Please go back and ensure you click on one of the radio buttons next to the choice you wish to vote for";

$lang['me_no_forum']  = "You don\'t appear to have any forums to moderate.";

$lang['search_word_short']  = "One or all of your search keywords were below characters or you are searched for words which are not allowed, such as \'html\', \'img\', etc, please go back and increase the length of these search keywords or choose different keywords.";

$lang['no_name_search_results']  = "The member name you chose to filter by cannot be found, please go back and try again.";

$lang['split_not_enough']  = "You must choose at least one post to split or move!";

$lang['mt_no_topic']  = "We could not find a topic in the database that matches the URL you entered, please try again and double check the information entered";

$lang['mt_same_topic']  = "You cannot merge the same topic, that\'s just silly";

$lang['forum_no_post_allowed']  = "You cannot move topics into this forum as it does not allow posts to be made";

$lang['no_msn']  = "This member does not have a valid MSN Messenger Name.";

$lang['no_yahoo']  = "This member does not have a valid Yahoo! Messenger Name";

$lang['cf_to_long']  = "You entered too much data for the field \'\', please go back and check the input";

$lang['search_flood']  = "Sorry, the board administrator has enabled search flood control. Please wait at least seconds before trying again.";

$lang['cal_no_events']  = "There are no birthdays or events for that date, please go back and try again.";

$lang['cal_date_oor']  = "The date you have chosen for that event is not a legal date (You may have chosen 30th February for example). Please go back and check your input and try again.";

$lang['cal_title_none']  = "You must enter an event title that is longer than 2 characters";

$lang['cal_title_long']  = "The event title you entered was too long, please limit it to under 64 characters";

$lang['search_off']  = "Sorry, the administrator has taken the search engine offline for the moment. Please try again later";

$lang['reg_off']  = "The board administrator is no longer accepting any new registrations at the moment.";

$lang['offline_title']  = "Board Offline";

$lang['offline_login']  = "If you have permission to access an offline board, please log in below";

$lang['skin_not_found']  = "The skin you chose could not be found. It\'s possible that an administrator has removed the skin, please go back and choose another.";

$lang['no_view_board']  = "You do not have permission to view this board";

$lang['forum_read_only']  = "This forum is read only, no new posts or replies can be made.";

$lang['no_av_upload']  = "You do not have permission to upload avatars or personal photos to this server";

$lang['no_av_type']  = "You are not allowed to upload that type of file as an avatar or personal photo";

$lang['no_av_name']  = "The uploaded file does not have a name, please go back and check your input";

$lang['upload_failed']  = "The upload failed. Please contact a member of staff to help rectify the problem";

$lang['er_log_in_title']  = "Solltest Du bereits registriert sein, kannst Du Dich hier anmelden";

$lang['erl_enter_name']  = "Dein Mitgliedsname";

$lang['erl_enter_pass']  = "Dein Passwort";

$lang['erl_log_in_submit']  = "Ich möchte mich anmelden!";

$lang['er_useful_links']  = "Nützliche Links";

$lang['er_lost_pass']  = "Passwort vergessen?";

$lang['er_register']  = "Registrierung";

$lang['er_contact_admin']  = "EMail an Administrator";

$lang['er_help_files']  = "Bedienungshinweise";

$lang['no_archive_messages']  = "Sorry, no personal messages were found using that search critera. Try again and broaden the scope.";

$lang['no_delete_post']  = "Sorry, you cannot delete the first post in this topic. If you wish to delete the complete topic, choose \'Delete Topic\' from your moderator bar at the foot of the topic view screen.";

$lang['exp_text']  = "Deine Anfrage konnte nicht ver-/bearbeitet werden, was verschiedene Ursachen haben kann. Zur Eingrenzung erhältst Du im folgenden die dazugehörige Fehlermeldung. In den meisten Fällen empfiehlt sich ein Blick in die \'Bedienungshinweise\'. Selbstverständlich hilft Dir auch der Administrator gern weiter (EMail-Link weiter unten).";

$lang['msg_head']  = "Fehlermeldung:";

$lang['auth_no_mem']  = "We could not find any member matching the User ID that you entered. Please double check the URL, or the data you entered into the form. If the error persists, please contact a member of staff to assist you.";

$lang['auth_key_wrong']  = "Sorry, the Validation Key is incorrect for this member. Please check the URL or the data you entered into the form. If the error persists, please contact a member of staff to assist you.  If this validation isn\'t recent, it\'s possible your old account has been removed.";

$lang['auth_no_key']  = "Sorry, that member does not have to validate their account. Please double check the data you entered. If this validation isn\'t recent, it\'s possible your old account has been removed.";

$lang['email_addy_mismatch']  = "Sorry, the email addresses did not match, please go back and check the data you entered.";

$lang['lp_no_pass']  = "Sorry, we do not have a new password for this account in our records, please contact a staff member to rectify the problem";

$lang['val_key_present']  = "This account is already under activation verification for either a new registration, lost password or email address change. Please complete the previous activation before attempting to continue with this one. If you believe this account has been activated or re-activated, please contact a member of staff to rectify the problem";

$lang['complete_form']  = "You must complete the form fully before proceeding. Please go back and check the data you entered.";

$lang['forum_no_access']  = "Sorry, you do not have reading permissions on this forum. If this is a password protected forum, please log into the forum by clicking on the forum link from the board index page.";

$lang['name_too_long']  = "The username you entered was too long";

$lang['msg_blocked']  = "This member has chosen not to be contactable by the board Messenger";

$lang['no_msg_title']  = "You must enter a message title";

$lang['reg_link']  = "Register Now!";

$lang['wrong_pass']  = "Sorry, you have entered an incorrect password. Please try again.";

$lang['poll_no_guests']  = "Guests cannot vote";

$lang['no_such_user']  = "In der Datenbank findet sich kein Mitglied unter dem angegebenen Namen. Wiederhole den Vorgang und vergewissere Dich, dass Deine Angaben korrekt sind.";

$lang['search_no_input']  = "You must enter a keyword(s) to search by!";

$lang['stf_no_msg']  = "You must enter a message to send";

$lang['invite_no_name']  = "You must enter your name";

$lang['poll_none_found']  = "We could not find that poll";

$lang['no_search_id']  = "No search file ID number was recorded, please try again";

$lang['no_guest_new_topics']  = "sorry, but the board administrator does not allow guests to start new posts in this forum. If you are a registered member please log in";

$lang['no_user']  = "Sorry, we could not find that member";

$lang['no_search_words']  = "You did not enter any keywords to search by or the keywords you used are not permitted due to the high number of matches.";

$lang['invalid_login']  = "Invalid log in. Either your password or your username was not correct. Please go back and double check the information you entered. Please remember that usernames and passwords are case sensitive, so \'PaSSwOrD\' is different from \'password\'";

$lang['web_too_long']  = "Your website entry is too long.";

$lang['stf_no_email']  = "You must enter the email address of the person you are sending this page to";

$lang['mem_id_wrong']  = "Sorry, but your Member ID is not in the correct format";

$lang['forum_off']  = "Sorry, but this forum has been disabled";

$lang['no_newer']  = "There are no topics newer than this one";

$lang['poss_hack_attempt']  = "We are treating that action as a possible hack attempt, this action will be logged and the board administrator will be informed via email";

$lang['not_logged_in']  = "You are not logged in";

$lang['int_too_long']  = "Your Interests entry is too long.";

$lang['no_to_member']  = "We could not find that member in our database, please check the spelling of the name";

$lang['invalid_ext']  = "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this board. A valid format is: http://www.domain.com/picture.gif, an invalid format is: http://www.domain.com/picture.one.gif";

$lang['subject_long']  = "The email subject was too long";

$lang['move_already_moved']  = "This is the original moved topic and it can\'t be moved again, if you want to move it again, please choose the topic that was moved into the previous destination forum";

$lang['cookie_error']  = "Sorry, there is a cookie error, please re-log in";

$lang['no_attach']  = "Attachments are not allowed for this forum";

$lang['no_aol']  = "That member does not have a valid AOL Name";

$lang['name_too_short']  = "The username you entered was too short";

$lang['missing_files']  = "Sorry, some required files are missing, if you intended to view a topic, it\'s possible that it\'s been moved or deleted. Please go back and try again.";

$lang['post_too_long']  = "Sorry, your post was too long, please reduce it";

$lang['locked_topic']  = "Sorry, this topic has been locked";

$lang['flash_url']  = "That is not a valid Flash URL";

$lang['profile_guest']  = "We could not find this member in our database, it\'s possible that the member has been removed.";

$lang['stf_no_subject']  = "You must enter a subject for the email";

$lang['not_icq_number']  = "That is not a valid ICQ number";

$lang['rp_noemail']  = "You must enter a valid email address before we can send this report";

$lang['upload_to_big']  = "The file you requested to upload was greater than the limit the administrator has set for your group.";

$lang['user_exists']  = "We already have a member by that name, please choose another";

$lang['no_msg_chosen']  = "You did not select any messages. You select them by clicking on the checkbox on the far right of each entry";

$lang['error_back']  = "zurück zum vorhergehenden Bildschirm";

$lang['log_in_yes']  = "You are currently logged in as ";

$lang['flash_number']  = "The height and width attributes of the flash tag have to be a number";

$lang['no_avatar']  = "The administrator has disabled avatars on this board";

$lang['poll_you_voted']  = "You have already voted in this poll";

$lang['not_url_photo']  = "That is not a valid URL for your Photo. We do not allow dynamic pages in the IMG tags";

$lang['no_action']  = "Please don\'t adjust the generated URLs. If you came here in error, please go back and try again";

$lang['no_guest_posting']  = "Sorry, but the board administrator has disabled guest posting in this forum, if you are a registered member - please log in";

$lang['invalid_email']  = "You must enter a VALID email address";

$lang['no_start_polls']  = "Die Funktion \'Umfrage erstellen\' steht Dir (hier) nicht zur Verfügung.";

$lang['move_no_forum']  = "You did not choose a destination forum";

$lang['no_use_messenger']  = "You are not allowed to use the messenger feature on this board";

$lang['no_msg']  = "You must enter a message";

$lang['no_dynamic']  = "Sorry, dynamic pages in the tags are not allowed";

$lang['no_rules_show']  = "There isn\'t any FAQ/Rule files for this forum";

$lang['membername_none']  = "Sorry, we could not find an account with that membername";

$lang['log_in_now']  = "Log in Now!";

$lang['no_subject']  = "You did not enter a subject for the email";

$lang['pass_too_long']  = "The password entered was too long";

$lang['username_short']  = "The username you entered was too short";

$lang['already_sub']  = "Du hast dieses Forum oder dieses Thema bereits abonniert.";

$lang['forgot_pass']  = "Forgotten your password?";

$lang['no_older']  = "There are no topics older than this one";

$lang['stf_no_name']  = "You must enter the name of the person you are sending this page to";

$lang['no_view_topic']  = "You do not have permission to view this topic";

$lang['IBForums_error']  = "Board Error";

$lang['no_replies']  = "Sorry, you do not have permission to reply to that topic";

$lang['error_title']  = "Nachricht vom Forum";

$lang['no_chosen_member']  = "You didn\'t enter or choose a name to send the message to!";

$lang['pass_blank']  = "Your password field was not complete";

$lang['flood_control']  = "Flood control is enabled on this board, please wait seconds before replying or posting a new topic";

$lang['no_message']  = "You did not enter a message for the email";

$lang['member_in_add_book']  = "You already have that member stored in your address book";

$lang['posting_off']  = "Your posting permissions have been removed";

$lang['move_same_forum']  = "You cannot move this topic into the same forum, well, you could but there wouldn\'t be a lot of point";

$lang['error_txt']  = "An error has occurred";

$lang['rp_nomsg']  = "You must enter a message to the moderators";

$lang['too_many_images']  = "Sorry, but your post contains more than the allowed number of images";

$lang['invite_no_email']  = "You must enter your email address";

$lang['not_op']  = "Sorry, you do not have permission to edit that message";

$lang['no_poll_reply']  = "The poll creator has created this as a vote-only topic";

$lang['request_hack']  = "Some of the data did not match our records, we are treating this as a possible hack attempt!";

$lang['photo_too_long']  = "Your Photo field is too long.";

$lang['avatar_invalid_ext']  = "Sorry, that is not a valid file extension";

$lang['no_reply_polls']  = "You cannot vote in this poll";

$lang['no_post']  = "You must enter a post";

$lang['calendar_not_all']  = "Either complete all the birthdate fields, or leave them all blank - we cannot process partial birthdates";

$lang['not_authorised']  = "Sorry, but you have yet to validate your user account. Please check the email account you registered with.";

$lang['no_email_stored']  = "Sorry, but we could not find that email address in our records";

$lang['topictitle_too_long']  = "The topic title you entered is too long";

$lang['no_such_msg']  = "That message does not exist";

$lang['wrong_name']  = "Sorry, we could not find a membername matching your input (this could have been from a log in form, or a session authentication).";

$lang['too_many_emoticons']  = "You have posted a message with more emoticons than this board allows. Please reduce the number of emoticons you\'ve added to the message";

$lang['no_topic_title']  = "You must enter a topic title";

$lang['guest_abuse']  = "We could not determine your posting status. Please try logging back in, or if you are a guest - please try again";

$lang['password_no_match']  = "The password is not the same as the data entered";

$lang['already_logged_in']  = "That user is already logged in!";

$lang['no_guests']  = "Diese Funktion steht Gästen nicht zur Verfügung.";

$lang['no_permission']  = "Sorry, but you do not have permission to use this feature. If you are not logged in, you may do so using the form below if available.";

$lang['server_too_busy']  = "Sorry, the server is too busy to handle your request, please try again in a moment";

$lang['loc_too_long']  = "Your Location entry is too long.";

$lang['poll_you_created']  = "You created this poll";

$lang['no_usepm_member']  = "This message can not be sent because the recipient does not have permission to use the personal messenger or their personal messenger inbox is full.";

$lang['go_back']  = "Please go back and correct this error";

$lang['log_in_no']  = "You are NOT logged in";

$lang['pass_too_short']  = "The password entered was too short";

$lang['no_register']  = "Sorry, the board administrator has switched off Registrations";

$lang['move_no_topic']  = "That Topic is not in our Database, it\'s possible it was deleted";

$lang['flash_too_big']  = "Sorry, but the flash movie you posted was either too large in height, width or both";

$lang['end_subs_value']  = "You must enter a numeric value for the \'End Subscription\' field";

$lang['no_starting']  = "Sorry, you do not have permission to start a topic in this forum";

$lang['no_search_forum']  = "You did not choose any forums to search in, or the forums you chose to search in are password protected. If this is the case, please make sure you are logged into the password protected forums before searching.";

$lang['not_registered']  = "Guests cannot peform this action, if you are a registered member, please log-in";

$lang['no_icq']  = "That member does not have a valid ICQ Number";

$lang['not_aol_name']  = "That is not a valid AOL Identity";

$lang['private_email']  = "That member has chosen to keep their email address private";

$lang['user_agent_no_match']  = "You are using a different computer than the one you logged in under.";

$lang['poll_add_vote']  = "Vote!";

$lang['you_are_banned']  = "Sorry, you are not permitted to use this board";

$lang['incorrect_use']  = "Incorrect use of one of the board files";

$lang['no_search_results']  = "Eine Abfrage der Datenbank verlief ergebnislos (keine Übereinstimmungen). Gegebenfalls erweiterst Du Deine Suchkriterien.

Falls Du neue Beiträge angezeigt bekommen haben wolltest, kann es sein, dass es diese seit Deinem letzten Besuch nicht gegeben hat.";

$lang['request_error']  = "An error occurred, not all of the required fields were sent from the validation link. Please ensure that they whole link was entered, it\'s possible that your email clients auto-wrapper cut the link in half. Please try again.";

$lang['not_yahoo_name']  = "That is not a valid YAHOO name";

$lang['stf_invalid_email']  = "The email address you entered was of an incorrect format";

$lang['pass_link']  = "Click here!";

$lang['no_email']  = "You must enter an email address to request your log-in details";

$lang['max_message_from']  = "Your Personal Messenger box is full. You have reached the limit set for this board. You will need to delete some of your currently saved messages from either your inbox, or your saved items folder.";

$lang['cant_use_feature']  = "You are not allowed to use this part of the board";

$lang['memid_too_long']  = "Your member Id field was too long";

$lang['moderate_no_permission']  = "You do not have permission to carry out that function";

$lang['too_many_img']  = "Sorry, but you have posted more images than you are allowed to";

$lang['no_sub_id']  = "Sorry, we could not find that topic subscription";

$lang['max_message_to']  = "That member\'s Personal Messenger box is full and is unable to accept any new messages.";

$lang['error_not_registered']  = "Not Registered? ";

$lang['username_long']  = "The username you entered was too long";

$lang['memid_too_short']  = "Your member Id field was too short";

$lang['sig_too_long']  = "Your signature is too long.";

$lang['no_username']  = "You must enter a username";

$lang['no_avatar_selected']  = "No avatar was selected, please go back and correct this error";

$lang['incorrect_avatar']  = "Sorry, but that is not a valid avatar";

$lang['avatar_invalid_url']  = "Sorry, but the URL you entered for your avatar was incorrectly formatted or the link is not valid.";

$lang['rp_noname']  = "You must enter your name before we can send this report";

$lang['illegal_img_ext']  = "Sorry, but you cannot use that file extension for an image tag";

$lang['cannot_remove_dir']  = "You cannot remove that virtual directory";

$lang['email_exists']  = "That email address cannot be used as it is already in our records";

$lang['please_complete_form']  = "Please complete the form fully before submitting it";

$lang['invite_no_email_f']  = "You must enter an email address for your friend";

$lang['move_no_source']  = "No source forum was chosen";

$lang['log_in']  = "Not Logged in?";

$lang['data_incorrect']  = "One of the data fields contained the incorrect type of data, please double check the URL or data you entered into the form";


Werschön wenn das vieleicht auch etwas "erklärend" Übersetzt wird.



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OK, ich hoffe halt mal, dass ich weiß, was ich hier zu tun gedenke. Alle Übersetzungen sind natürlich total aus dem Kontext gerissen (ich hab ja keine Ahnung, wann und wo die Fehlermeldungen eingeblendet werden) und könnten desshalb in gewissen Situationen nicht zutreffen.

Also, mein Englisch-Deutsch ist vielleicht manchmal etwas holprig, aber bis jemand mit besseren Vorschlägen kommt, trau ich mich drüber...

Übersetzungen zu lang_error.php

$lang['erl_email'] = "Deine Email Adresse"

$lang['no_upload_permission'] = "Du bist nicht zum Upload von Dateien berechtigt"

$lang['banned_email'] = "Sorry, du kannst diese Email Adresse nicht für deinen

Account verwenden. Benutze bitte eine andere!"

[Zu $lang['subs_no_curid']: Ohne den Background zu dieser Fehlermeldung kann ich sie nicht übersetzen. Wenn ich wüsste, wie der Prozess funktioniert, der es eben hier nicht getan hat, könnte ich´s vielleicht schaffen]

$lang['subs_no_upgrade'] = "Diese Methode der Zahlung lässt keine Aufwertung zu. Der Prozess kann nicht fortgesetzt werden."

$lang['subs_no_selected'] = "Du hast kein Abonnementpacket ausgewählt. Begib dich bitte zurück und wähle eines, bevor du fortfährst."

Annmerkung: "Subscription" kann entweder (Mitglieds)Beitrag oder Abonnement bedeuten. Ich kann nicht wissen, was hier gemeint ist. Könnte zu peinlichen Fehlern führen!

$lang['subs_nomethod_selected'] = "Du hast die Methode der Bezahlung nicht festgelegt. Begib dich bitte zurück und wähle eine, bevor du fortfährst."

[OK, ich weiß, dass die Phrase "Begib dich bitte zurück" schweeeer lahmt, aber mir ist einfach nichts besseres eingefallen. PS@Frodo: Wenn die Anmeldung in Schritte aufgebaut ist (wie etwa ein Installationsvorgang unter Windows), dann ließe sich das natürlich wesentlich eleganter formulieren: etwa mit "begib dich bitte zum entsprechenden Schritt zurück"]

$lang['subs_no_api'] = "Die benötigte API Datei wurde nicht gefunden, der Prozess kann nicht fortgesetzt werden."

$lang['subs_fail'] = "Es trat ein nicht näher beschriebener Fehler auf. Code <#EXTRA#>."

$lang['sub_already'] = "Du kannst nicht fortfahren, da du bereits für ein Paket eingetragen bist, das entweder schon bezahlt oder im Anlaufen ist."

$lang['auth_no_key_not_allow'] = "Sorry, du kannst das nicht tun, solange der Board Administrator deinen Account nicht bestätigt hat."

So, ich glaub, ich hab erst mal genug von translation work :mued:


Ich hoffe ich hab´s so hingekriegt, wie du dir das vorgestellt hast.

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@Ancalagon: DANKE!!! Ich werd das nachher mal eintragen. Wo genau welcher Fehler immer auftritt, kann ich nicht sagen. Da hilft eigentlich nur sich am Board anmelden und versuchen irgendwelche Fehler zu provozieren und schauen was er da als Meldung abgibt.

Wenn alles soweit übersetzt ist, muss eh nochmal Korrektur gelesen werden, allein schon um Begriffe abzugleichen.


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So, damit am WE keine Langeweile aufkomm, mal die nächste Schube:



$lang['ip_private']  = "Versteckt";
$lang['tom_outline']  = "Anzeige: \'Überblick\'";
$lang['tom_standard']  = "\'Standard\'";
$lang['tom_linear']  = "\'Thema\'";
$lang['tom_replies']  = "Antworten ";
$lang['announce_both']  = "Announcement started %s and ends %s";
$lang['announce_start']  = "Announcement started %s";
$lang['announce_end']  = "Announcement ends %s";
$lang['cpt_approve']  = "Set Visible (Approve Post)";
$lang['cpt_unapprove']  = "Set Invisible (Unapprove Post)";
$lang['cpt_approvet']  = "Set Visible (Approve Topic)";
$lang['cpt_unapprovet']  = "Set Invisible (Unapprove Topic)";
$lang['cpt_merge']  = "Merge Posts";
$lang['cpt_delete']  = "Delete Posts";
$lang['cpt_split']  = "Split Topic";
$lang['cpt_move']  = "Move Posts";
$lang['cp_js_delete']  = "Are you sure you wish to delete these posts?";
$lang['enter_keywords']  = "Suche im Thema nach ...";
$lang['search_topic']  = "Suchbegriff finden";
$lang['f_go']  = "With Selected";
$lang['m_location']  = "From:";
$lang['tt_reply_to_post']  = "Reply directly to this post";
$lang['attach_thumbs']  = "Attached thumbnail(s)";
$lang['attach_images']  = "Attached image(s)";
$lang['attach_normal']  = "Attached File(s)";
$lang['attach_ahits']  = "Downloads:";
$lang['attach_size']  = "Size:";
$lang['mq_title']  = "Toggle multiquote addition";
$lang['tt_link']  = "Show the link to this post";
$lang['tt_prompt']  = "Mit dem Link zu diesem Beitrag kannst Du z.B. in anderen Beiträgen auf exakt diese Stelle verweisen (Zwischenablage: Rechte Maustaste - \'Kopieren\').";
$lang['tt_rating']  = "Rating:";
$lang['tt_warn']  = "Warn:";
$lang['tt_warn_add']  = "Increase warn level";
$lang['tt_warn_minus']  = "Decrease warn level";
$lang['mm_title']  = "Multi-Moderation";
$lang['mm_submit']  = "Go";
$lang['pv_total_votes']  = "Total Votes";
$lang['new_poll_link']  = "Attach New Poll";
$lang['ac_title']  = "Show Contact Card";
$lang['to_open']  = "Open Topic Options";
$lang['to_close']  = "Zusatzoptionen (zum Schließen diesen Text anklicken)";
$lang['show_emo']  = "Smilies anzeigen (im separaten Fenster)";
$lang['pl_show_results']  = "Show Results";
$lang['pl_show_vote']  = "Show Vote Options";
$lang['pic_attach_thumb']  = "Attached Image (Click thumbnail to expand)";
$lang['attached_file']  = "Attached File";
$lang['qr_title']  = "Kurz antworten";
$lang['qr_open']  = "Open Fast Reply Window";
$lang['qr_hide']  = "Close Fast Reply Window";
$lang['qr_submit']  = "Antwort hinzufügen";
$lang['qr_more_opts']  = "Standardformular";
$lang['qr_closeit']  = "Fenster schließen";
$lang['qr_add_smilie']  = "Smilies verwenden";
$lang['qr_add_sig']  = "Signatur verwenden";
$lang['b_back_to']  = "Back to";
$lang['SPLIT_TOPIC']  = "Split Topic";
$lang['MERGE_TOPIC']  = "Merge Topic";
$lang['TOPIC_HISTORY']  = "View Topic History (Admin Option)";
$lang['tt_title']  = "Thema abonnieren";
$lang['tt_desc']  = "Einfach anklicken - und schon erhältst Du bei Abwesenheit automatisch eine Benachrichtigung per EMail, wenn jemand diesem Thema eine neue Antwort hinzufügt.";
$lang['ft_title']  = "Forum abonnieren";
$lang['ft_desc']  = "Receive email notification when a new topic is posted in this forum and you are not active on the board.";
$lang['av_title']  = "Ausdruck/Download des Themas";
$lang['av_desc']  = "Download this topic in different formats or view a printer friendly version.";
$lang['active_users_detail']  = "Gäste: %s | Anonyme Besucher: %s";
$lang['active_users_title']  = "%s Besucher zu diesem Thema";
$lang['active_users_members']  = "Mitglieder: %s |";
$lang['go_new_post']  = "Go to first unread post";
$lang['edited_by']  = "This post has been edited by <b>%s</b>: %s";
$lang['UNSUBBIT']  = "Unsubscribe all from topic";
$lang['EDIT_TOPIC']  = "Edit Topic Title";
$lang['forum_jump']  = "Forum wechseln:";
$lang['UNPIN_TOPIC']  = "Unpin this Topic";
$lang['OPEN_TOPIC']  = "Open this topic";
$lang['attach_hits']  = "Anzahl der Aufrufe/Downloads";
$lang['DELETE_TOPIC']  = "Delete this topic";
$lang['topic_moved']  = "This topic has moved, taking you to the correct forum";
$lang['pic_attach']  = "Attached Image";
$lang['m_posts']  = "Beiträge:";
$lang['multi_page_topic']  = "Pages:";
$lang['snitch_geezer_to_a_copper']  = "Report this post";
$lang['MOVE_TOPIC']  = "Move this topic";
$lang['CLOSE_TOPIC']  = "Close this topic";
$lang['topic_page_h']  = "Topic";
$lang['member_warn_level']  = "Member Warn Level";
$lang['start_new_poll']  = "Start a new poll";
$lang['m_joined']  = "Mitglied seit:";
$lang['track_topic']  = "Thema abonnieren";
$lang['js_del_1']  = "Are you sure you want to delete this message?";
$lang['please_log_in']  = "You are not logged into this forum.";
$lang['js_del_2']  = "Ok, no action has been taken";
$lang['start_new_topic']  = "Start a new topic";
$lang['moderation_ops']  = "Moderation Options";
$lang['RECOUNT']  = "Rebuild Topic";
$lang['ip']  = "IP";
$lang['reply_to_topic']  = "Reply to this topic";
$lang['topic_stats']  = "<#POSTS#> replies since <#START#>";
$lang['single_page_topic']  = " ";
$lang['PIN_TOPIC']  = "Pin this Topic";
$lang['print']  = "Thema ausdrucken";
$lang['topic']  = "Topic";
$lang['posted_on']  = "Beitragslink:";
$lang['attach_dl']  = "Download: Rechte Maustaste und \'Ziel speichern unter ...\'";
$lang['DELETE_POST']  = "Delete Posts";
$lang['t_old']  = "Vorhergehendes Thema";
$lang['t_new']  = "Folgendes Thema";
$lang['forward']  = "Link zum Thema versenden";
$lang['m_group']  = "Gruppe:";
$lang['back_top']  = "Back to top";
$lang['member_no']  = "Mitglieds-Nr.:";


$lang['bbc_ex1']  = "This is sample text";
$lang['bbc_ex2']  = "Click here!";
$lang['bbc_title']  = "BB Code";
$lang['bbc_intro']  = "<strong>What is BB Code?</strong><br /><br />BB Code is a quick and easy way to add effects or formatting to your posts.<br />It is used in a similar format to HTML tags which you may already be familiar with.<br />Below is a quick guide to the most common BB Code uses.";
$lang['bbc_before']  = "You Type";
$lang['bbc_after']  = "We Show";
$lang['emo_title']  = "Zum Einfügen: Anklicken";
$lang['emo_type']  = "Code";
$lang['emo_img']  = "Bild";
$lang['fu_title']  = "Find User Names";
$lang['fu_close_win']  = "Close Window";
$lang['fu_enter_name']  = "Enter part or all of the name";
$lang['fu_search_but']  = "Search";
$lang['fu_error']  = "Error";
$lang['fu_no_data']  = "You must enter all or part of a name to search by";
$lang['fu_no_match']  = "We found no matches using your search criteria";
$lang['fu_kc_loads']  = "We found over 100 matches, please try and enter more of the username";
$lang['fu_back']  = "Back";
$lang['fu_add_mem']  = "Insert member into form";
$lang['fu_add_desc']  = "Please select a name from the drop down box and click on the button to add the name into the form that opened this window";


$lang = array (

'end'    => "end",
'forum'    => "Forum",
'on '        => "on",
'title'    => "Printable Version of Topic",
'by'        => "Posted by",
'start'    => "started by",
'topic'    => "Topic",
'tvo_title'             =>  "Topic View Options for:",
'o_print_title'         =>  "Printer Friendly Version",
'o_print_desc'          =>  "This will display the topic in a simple, printer friendly format on this page, no download is required.",
'o_html_title'          =>  "Download HTML Version",
'o_html_desc'           =>  "This will enable you to download a HTML version of this topic to your hard drive. This will open your browser's download dialogue box",
'o_word_title'          =>  "Download Microsoft Word Version",
'o_word_desc'           =>  "This will enable you to download a version of this topic in an editable Word format. This will open your browser's download dialogue box",
'back_topic'            =>  "Back to the topic",
'topic_here'            =>  "Click here to view this topic in its original format",


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Also dann, auf ein neues:

Zu ang_error.php

$lang['no_flash_av'] = "Du darfst kein Flash als Avatar, in einem Posting oder als Signatur verwenden"

lang['no_warn_max'] = "Dieses Mitglied kann nicht weiter verwarnt werden. Maximum oder Minimum des Levels wurde bereits erreicht"

(Keine Ahnung, was DAS aussagen soll, aber mein Vorschlag wäre folgender)

$lang['split_too_much'] = "Du kannst nicht alle Posts für eine Aufteilung auswählen. Mindestens eines muss dem ursprünglichen Thema zugeteilt bleiben"

$lang['ml_error'] = "Dieses Mitglied hat sich dafür entschieden, nicht in der Mitgliedsliste aufgeführt zu werden."

$lang['protected_user'] = "Du kannst diesen Vorgang nicht fortsetzen, da das Mitglied geschützt ist"

$lang['warned_already'] = "Dieses Mitglied wurde bereits einmal im erlaubten Zeitraum verwarnt"

$lang['no_mmid'] = "Das ist keiner gülter Multi-Moderations Vorgang für dieses Forum"

$lang['del_post'] = "Nicht autorisiert - bitte versuche es erneut. Falls du versucht hast, auf falsche Weise auf die Funktion zuzugreifen, verwende bitte die vorgesehene Methode."

$lang['stupid_beggar'] = "Na klar. Von allen Möglichkeiten aus der Liste musstest du unbedingt eine mit gestrichelten Linien auswählen. Gute Arbeit! Mach´s nochmal und benimm dich diesmal."

$lang['fd_noneselected'] = "Du hast keinen PM-Ordner zu Entleerung ausgewählt. Bitte versuche es noch einmal"

$lang['cal_range_wrong'] = "Tut uns leid, aber das Ablaufdatum muss zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt sein, als das Anfangsdatum."

$lang['posting_off_susp'] = "Tut uns leid, aber deine Berechtigung zum Posten wurde zeitweilig außer Kraft gesetzt. Diese Suspension wird am <#EXTRA#> aufgehoben werden."


Sollte ich solche Meldungen vielleicht zukünftig per PM schicken, um den Thread nicht zu blockieren (?)

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Sollte ich solche Meldungen vielleicht zukünftig per PM schicken, um den Thread nicht zu blockieren  (?)

Nönö, das schon gut so. Vieleicht solltest du auch mal kurz ins "neue Forum" schauen, damit einige Übersetzungen noch passender werden.

Aber trotzdem VIELEN DANK!!!

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So da sich nun die Fronten zwischen der "deutschen IPB-Usergemeinde" und den "US/UK IPB-Herstellern" etwas abgekühlt haben, wird nun doch vom "Godfather of german language packs" ein Sprachpacket fertig gestellt *juhu*

Was wir allerdings immer noch brauchen, ist die Übersetzung der Hilfe bzw. wie sie im neuen Forum heissen soll/wird Bedienungshinweise.

Da hat die Koordination Anas übernommen, wer sich also daran beteiligen will, bitte bei ihr melden.

da ich nun das andere "Gelumpt" nicht bearbeiten muss, werde ich mich auch daran beteiligen.

So und nochmal einen DANK an Webarche :anbet::anbet::anbet:


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